Monday, December 21, 2015

Our Christmas Tree

This year we finally get to spend the holidays together. Last year my husband was deployed, it was our first set of holidays as a married couple. So, this is our first Christmas as a married couple. My husband likes to decorate like Who-ville exploded, I prefer to decorate a little more lightly.

Last year I barely decorated; just enough to make it feel like Christmas. So this year, I let my husband decorate as much as he wanted. 

We are moving in January to a larger house (finally!), so the majority of the decorations were centered on the tree!

Our very first Christmas we started the tradition of getting a yearly ornament and a couple fun ones. We have started adding on your dog, Zero, to the family ornament since he gets spoiled like no other. Our fun ornaments are usually centered around The Nightmare Before Christmas. We are both basically grew up on the film. 

It was also important to us to keep traditions of our childhood going. David's family hung stocking of family pets who have passed to keep their memory alive. We have two stockings on our tree for Charlie, David's cat who was his childhood pet, and Galena, my cat who I got right after college who was madly in love with David. Yes it's a sad thing to keep these on the tree but these two cats helped shape us in ways you wouldn't think.

We tried, and I stress the word tried, to get a good photo of our little family in front of the tree. It wasn't quite successful but in the years to come it will be a funny memory.

Until next time,

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