Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Viva Las Vegas

We really do take vacations for just the two of us. Our vacations are usually trips to visit family who live far away. With the military life style we don't get the opportunity to get away as often as we would like. So when we get to, we make the most of it!

It seems like like we have started a tradition of getting away, just the two of us, for a few days. Two years ago we spent a few days at Disneyland. But this year we went to Las Vegas! We have been wanting to visit Vegas for so long, especially before we have kids. 

Our first night we went to the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris hotel. If you can, I highly suggest it! It was so amazing to see all of Vegas from so high up. The Paris hotel is pretty centered on the strip so you get a view of almost everything!

During our full day we literally walked the whole strip! It was a long walk, we are talking something like 6-ish miles. Our hotel provided a map of the strip (when they tried forcing us to buy tickets for a show) so we set off to see it all!

One of the things we had on our list was to see the Titanic exhibit at the Luxor. We were going to buy tickets from Groupon, but then waited till we actually got there after I read about the TIX4TONIGHT ticket stores. Forget Groupon and for the ticket stores! The original ticket prices through the Luxor were $35 per ticket; Groupon was $28.50; and we scored from tix4tonight paying only $23! That was a savings of $24! 

The exhibit had a ticket rule of no photography, but I'm a rebel and of course snapped a few photos. That was before my flash went off and I almost got us kicked out of the exhibit!

Over all the exhibit kind of sucked. I'm a huge Titanic lover (have seen since I was really little) so I have seen these multiple things about it. I saw this exhibit in 2000 and I remember it being longer and having more artifacts to see. We visited a Titanic exhibit in the Anaheim last spring and it was way better! There were film clips explaining things about the wreck and more artifacts.

Another thing we did to save money on food and drinks was to bring some of our own. I pack some granola bars, oatmeal packets, a sliced up sub sandwich from Vons, yogurts, gatorade, cans of beer, and wine. I also brought an empty water bottle to put some wine in to drink while we walked around. I carried beers in my purse so David could have a few while walked around. Each drink is about $7 and up! No thank you!

We did splurge and get Fat Tuesday's twice. They are are alcoholic slushie drinks and oh so delicious.  For Vegas and the drinks being a foot long, they were super affordable! They were $14 for the initial drink and $11 for refills. When we had dinner at Treasure Island our first night David got a mixed drink and it was $12.

Visiting Vegas at the very end of November we were able to see the holiday decor begin going up. Lots of the hotels had beautiful Christmas trees and other decorations. Sadly we weren't able to see the seasonal garden set up but at the Bellagio since it wasn't set up quite yet. At least I was able to convince David to get a "kissy" photo in front of the big tree.

Until next time,
Kandi Lorene

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