Monday, December 12, 2016

It's been 10 weeks...

A lot has happened in the last 10 weeks. And boy, do I mean a lot.

No pun intended, but my son was born. 

That's right, I've jumped full body, overwhelmingly, joyfully into motherhood. It hasn't been easy and I've learned so many things but I'm enjoying every moment of it. 

I'll have many posts about my labor/delivery, Jack's both times in the hospital, his first months, and things I've already learned along the way. 

But this post, this one is just to say I'm back. I'm back to share what I've learned, will learn, and everything inbetween. 

This of course is, 

Life as Kandi. 


Thursday, September 29, 2016

39 Weeks Pregnant!

We have made it to 39 weeks!!! Only one week left until our due date!

Now, due dates are just an estimate of their birth based on your period (and in our case an ultrasound). So we are waiting to see when little man makes his arrival!

At my doctors appointment today, Jack's heartbeat was strong and healthy. We talked about how he still moves like crazy and might come out running. I know he won't, but I have a feeling that I will have a super active kid on my hands.

As for me, I'm still not dilated but I am finally starting to thin out! Progress is progress!! So now I'll really start working on more walking, light bouncing on my workout ball, and resting/relaxing as much as I can.

Sleep has been hard. I can either fall asleep right away or I lay awake for hours. I get sleep in few hour intervals before I'm up to use the bathroom or walk around the house a bit. I've been waking up earlier than I already do, so when 6am comes around I'm usually awake.

My hip pain is higher, sadly. But as my doctor explained, your hips move and adjust to pop out a baby. Since I have a weak hip, the change in my muscles and ligaments is only going to make the pain worse.

My doctor thinks he should be here around this time next week! That's here guess and I'm hoping she is right! It will be so easy to remember 10.6.16 as a birthday!

I couldn't pass up these little moccasins by Itzy Ritzy when we were at Babies R Us with my In-Laws! I have been obsessed with these for little kids and love the quality of them. They are a navy blue leather and feel amazing! I got them in 0-6 months so he has some extra protection on his feet through the winter months. 

Here's another maternity picture sneak peak, I promise I will have a post coming soon!

And here's a 39 week bare belly shot! You can tell he's dropping when this photo is side by side of my 37 week picture. It's kinda crazy how your body can change so fast!

Until next time,

Friday, September 23, 2016

38 Weeks Pregnant

I can't believe we are at 38 weeks pregnant. It seem like it has been so long since we found out we were pregnant, but time has flown by like crazy too!

Things haven't changed much from last week... it's almost exactly the same!

I'm still not sleeping well. Maybe even a little worse. I can't get comfortable and I have are hard time sleeping more than 3 hour stretches. Well I should try to nap, right? Nope, that's way hard for me. I've never been much of a napper because it's always messed with my night time sleep. So now, I just try and relax when a can.

To relax I find myself back in lots of baths. It's one of the only ways I'm able to relax my hips, back, and some elevation to my feet. Prune-y skin will be my look from here on out.

I had another week where I didn't gain any weight. I'm stilling at 18 pounds total that I've gained. I haven't tried anything crazy to keep my weight down. I've tried to stay active but I don't work out. I walk a lot! And I haven't craved much of anything!

We had another weekly doctors appointment and I'm still not dilated! Nothing at all is happening to my cervix! My doctor is guessing (from her many, many years of experience) I will be late. I know most first time moms are late, but I'm not ready to be late!

We have the bassinet/pack n play set up in our room since my husband's family is coming into town for a few weeks. And since Jack will be little and have many night time wakings we can have him right by my side of the bed!

We also got our maternity photos back!!! I will be doing a post with them very shortly! Here's a small peak!

And since I had a bare belly shot last week, I thought I should do one every week till he comes. Why not see the progression and show off my tattoos a bit!

Until next time,

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Our Planned Diapering Route

I have mentioned in past posts that we were planning on cloth diapering Jack. There's a lot that goes into cloth diapering, but it's easy at the same time! 

Here's a peak into why we choose disposables and cloth diapers. I also talk about how we plan on using cloth and link lots of helps links below the video!

If you have any questions about our cloth diaper journey, please leave them below!!

Until next time,