Friday, April 22, 2016

Do you know what you're having?

We were told by our doctor that we would have to wait till we were 20 weeks along before finding out the  sex of our baby. At this time we were only 13 weeks...

For me that was an eternity!

I instantly was researching a place we could go to for an early ultrasound. We are lucky enough to have two pretty local to us. I was set that we need to go find out. David could wait, he has the the patience I wish I had. After much pleading and begging, by he gave in and said we could go!

At 15 weeks and 2 days we found out what we were having!

Now, this was a Friday. Only a few close friends knew we were going to find out. We magically kept our parents in the dark! Once we knew what I was carrying, we were on a mission on how to announce it to our families. My family is local so we figured surprising them at dinner was an easy and doable option. David's family however is a few states a away. So we sent them a picture frame holder with wooden block on the front spelling the name we choose (a post about that is coming later).

Then we waited.

So, it turned out to be a little harder to get my mom to go out to dinner with no reason why. I had to make up so many reasons to go! My best friend was amazing and made cupcakes with little pink and blue onesies on top for the surprise. We had dinner like normal and surprised by parents with the cupcakes at the end. Of course my mom caught on quickly and hurried to eat a cup cake to find out what the sex of her first grandchild would be!

I had mailed out the gift to David's family on Monday and was told it should be there by Thursday. So we got my family together for dinner that night. But you'll never believe who was lagging... USPS. The gift didn't arrive till Friday!

Both of our families are super excited and surprised! So we succeeded!

So what are you having?

Until next time,

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