Thursday, April 21, 2016

Where I've Been


It's been a while.

We moved and things got crazy.

Then we went on vacation and we got some exciting, crazy news...

We are expecting!

While on vacation, literally the first day I realized I was extra late. I have irregular periods so being a little late is normal. But I was extra late. So I did the normal thing and peed on a stick. Well, it was positive!

We were super excited from the beginning! David and I are were just starting to try for kids and knew it could take a while, but we were blessed that it didn't!

So here I am, finally feeling better now that I am in the second trimester. I had started making videos on YouTube about my pregnancy, but it was too much work for me. I finally decided to turn to my blog again to keep record as our lives slowly change for the better. I wanted somewhere I could easily write little stories about our lives and add some pictures.

Here are a few photos of our pregnancy so far!

So there you go, that's where I've been.

Get ready for nursery photos as that comes along and as we reveal the gender (we may or may not already know)!

Until next time,

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