Saturday, May 14, 2016

19 Weeks Pregnant

I think this week my "pregnancy brain" has kicked in. And honestly, I have been way more exhausted this past week.

I don't think I've gotten that much energy in my second trimester like I was expecting. The firs trimester kicked by butt like no other. I had no energy at all! But, I think I don't have that much energy right now because I haven't been sleeping good.

I need to find some way to sleep! I've been trying sleeping on my side but I wake up hurting because it puts too much pressure on my hips. I have a problem with my left hip (hopefully one day we will know what's actually wrong with it) so long hours of sleep really irate it. I have been trying positioning my pillows like a recliner! Why? Well, it helps with my pregnancy congestion, no pressure on my hips, and feels amazing on my lower back. But, when I get up for my middle of the night bathroom breaks, it's super hard to get my pillows just right again!

On complete other news, my bestie Katey and I got the baby shower invites in the mail! I decided to have my baby shower at then end of my second trimester instead of the traditional time frame. There has been plenty of talk with previous doctors about my hip and pregnancy. Its up in the air and only time will tell how I can handle the end of my pregnancy. Basically, I have been told to be prepared if I have to be on bedrest or some form of it. I'm hoping for the best and doing all I can to prevent it.

So, I figured lets just have an early shower! Having it earlier means we have more time to figure out what we are lucky enough to receive and what we still need to get. I am a huge planner, and it's nice having things done early and how I would like them!

Also, I'm pretty sure I've felt my little boy move. I still have no idea what to expect so I feel like I don't feel him at all. I have been feeling these weird flipping feeling and random odd poking motions. I'm crossing my fingers its my baby and not gas!

I can't tell if my belly is getting bigger, but it's getting more round!

Until next time,

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