Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I'm such a Planner

Since middle school I have used a planner. I kept track of homework, assignments, and other big events. I would color coordinate things and go crazy with sticky notes. High school I would experiment with other methods to keep track of things, but I would always come back to a planner.

When I got to college I started trying out different planners. I needed something to keep track of how busy my life had become. Taking close to 20 units each semester and working two jobs... color coordinating was my best friend.

Once I entered the "real world" I let my use of planners go... for about a year. I realized I needed something to help me remember important things, like when to pay my bills. I picked up a cheap planner at Target and used it like crazy. I kept track of bills, my ever changing work schedule, David's general schedule, family events, and birthdays.

Once I knew I relied on a planner, like really heavily relied on one, I splurged on an Erin Condren Vertical planner for 2015. I worked pretty good for me. I used colors to dictate my busy life and began dressing it up with washi tape and a few stickers. Towards the end of the year I began experimenting with different planners, too. I first tried the Erin Condren Horizontal planner, and found it more useful for my taste. Then when the Happy Planner came out I jumped on that bandwagon, but quickly realized that a vertical style just wasn't for me.

For 2016, I went back to my Erin Condren Horizontal. I like the space and the layout. Sometimes I wish the planner was a tag smaller for easier transport, but I still cart it around 80% of the time. I have used washi tape, tons of different stickers, and loads of different pens.

Recently I have found my style and am loving it. So, here's how I plan a week!

First, this was last week. Colorful and a few stickers. I didn't finish the weekend since we had a nice relaxing one.

Here's this week blank. Luckily I love this accent color, otherwise I would use a little washi tape across the top to make it more "me".

I use a few different stickers to keep track of the major things each day. I track my work schedule, my blog posts, my current week pregnant, my weight, main cleaning tasks, my prenatal intake, and dinners.

Sometimes I even add in an inpinstrational quote sticker from Me and My Big Ideas. 

Here's how my week looks with just my stickers. I use the blank boxes for my big tasks and keep the lines for day to day.

I pick a colorful pen each week, since I have so many, and that's my "to-do list" pen. Each day I layout what I would like to get done. Sometimes that doesn't happen or they get pushed to a different day. I seem to list the dishes everyday to give me the motivation I need!

So there's how I plan. It's a little more than just a pen and paper but I like it. And it works for me. Sometimes I plan at my desk or on the couch as we watch a movie. I usually plan on Sunday's when I know whats going on.

How many other's plan?

Until next time,

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