Thursday, May 19, 2016

We are HALFWAY! 20 week update

We have made it half way!!! We are officially halfway through this pregnancy!

I seriuously cannot believe we are already here. I know everyone says it, but time has flown by. But this past week felt like it was moving so slow! I was super anxious and excited since we were having the big ultrasound, and I got no sleep!

Sleep has been one of my biggest struggles this pregnancy. I never though I would have issues sleeping early on. I knew it was coming, but I assumed that's when your large and in charge. Not my case at all! I can't sleep on my stomach (my favorite) but I can't sleep on my sides either. Sleeping on my sides puts too much pressure on my hips. My left hip is all messed up and I have trouble with it. I have finally found a position I can get some sleep: the recliner... Basically I used all our extra pillows to make a fake recliner in bed. No pressure on my hips but it does make it a little hard to get in out of the bed for the middle of the night bathroom trips.

Sleeping in the the recliner position also helps with my lovely congestion. I had no clue "pregnancy rhinitis" was a real symptom. I naturally was blessed with bas sinuses, so it's hit me hard. I sleep with a cool mist humidifier and essential oil defuser all night. 

Last night I had to everything I could to get sleep. Four to Six-ish hours a night does not cut it for me right now. I took a nice long lavender and epsom salt bath while drinking tea, rubbed some lavender lotion on my arms and chest, and put lavender essential oil on the back of my neck and the bottoms of my feet. Between all of this and being exhausted, I finally got a good night of sleep!!!

When we took our weekly bump shot Zero was in play mode. But it really looks like he's trying to play with baby boy!

Finally, the ultrasound. I had been looking forward to this ultrasound for weeks! We had it originally scheduled for Tuesday, but last minute they had an emergency situation and had to reschedule. Luckily it was only for the next day. But when you mix no sleep, how excited I was and the fun pregnancy hormones, I totally broke down and bawled my eyes out. Yes I was a little excited but thankful we only had to wait 24 more hours. Not that mattered to my hormones, but at least I was able to get a small nap out of the brake down.

Once we finally got to have the ultrasound our little man would not cooperate at all! He was super stubborn and wouldn't take his hands off from his face (first picture below). The tech was pushing all over my stomach trying to get him to more and help us get a good profile picture, but no luck (second photo below). 

I had been a little concerned that I hadn't really left him move. Before bed I usually lay with my hands on my belly just waiting to feel him. I was starting to get a little worried that something might be wrong. Well, turns out he was just way low! He is laying between my hips in my lower abdomen. He's actually below the bump I have! Now that we know where he is it makes perfect sense! I have tons of pressure in my lower abs and it feels like your trying to maneuver over a full bladder all the time. Now I know my kid is just hanging low and comfortable. I'm waiting till our appointment with the doctor next week to see if I should be worried about him so low.

But the best thing about knowing where he is: I can feel him kick and move. I've been curious why I get the funny fluttering feelings inside near my lower abs and hips. I've always passed it off as gas but now I know he's there! Last night I was relaxing in our recliner (my favorite spot to sit now) and felt a hard poke in my lower abs!!!! I'm guessing he was adjusting to comfortable! 

Until next time,

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