Tuesday, May 31, 2016

I'm late... 21 Week Update

This past week I have been exhausted. I worked everyday and still managed the house (even though I should have let it go a bit... I wouldn't have cared). 

We have been blessed and I have been able to work part time so far this pregnancy. I was so exhausted, nauseous, and had so many headaches during the first trimester that I didn't know if I could handle the work load I had before. I started part time around 11 weeks and its been manageable for me.

But, I'm still waiting for my energy to come back like all the pregnancy books and apps say... it really hasn't come yet. I'm still tired and get exhausted easy. I've tried all sorts of things to get energy, but thank goodness for the one cup of coffee I drink a day. I always chug water as much as I can, the constant trips to the bathroom keeps me up and moving.

Speaking of coffee, I cannot wait for the day that I can drink three cups with out worrying. As soon as we found out we were expecting I cut down my caffeine intake immediately. I was a 3-5 cup of caffeine type of person... Now with only one cup in the morning because I need it, I function as well I can. I like a little french vanilla creamer and whipped cream in it. It helps keep the heartburn down and tastes good. I know I could switch to tea, but I think coffee if more of a placebo so I just drink it.

I haven't updated about my cravings and adversities lately, but the truth is they haven't really changed. Fruit always sounds good and I can eat Mexican food until my heartburn is killing me. Every so often something sweet sounds good, so I'll have a cookie or something. I do like ice cream. I have a little almost every night. 

I have finally gained some weight. I was 152 at 9 weeks and lost almost 10 pounds by the time I was 13 week. I'm finally up to 155 at 21 weeks. The doctor said I'm doing good and don't need to stress about gaining weight. I'm not going to lie, it's been hard thinking I need to gain weight after trying to loose some. But I'm up for anything that will ensure we will have a healthy baby.

I haven been congested. And it's not been fun. My normal crazy seasonal allergies are mixed with the hormonal pregnancy congestion are having fun with my body. Hot showers, a cool mis humidifier, an essential oil diffuser, and trying to sleep propped up... anything that could help.

But, I have felt our little guy kick! And kick a lot! When we had our anatomy ultrasound at 20 weeks I felt him kick as the tech pushed on him and tried to get him to cooperate. I had been assuming he was higher than he was, but no, he was able bladder level. Once I knew what it felt like for him to kick, he hasn't stopped kicking! Being more aware of his movement, I can tell that he likes his room. He's not a fan when I have a full bladder, when I have eaten a bigger meal or when we are pushing on him. He likes to kick hard and catch me off guard. I notice him the most when I sit down to relax or when falling asleep. 

Well, onto next week!

Until next time,

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