Friday, May 6, 2016

Is this NESTING?

Lately I've been getting this wild hair to organize or clean out something in the house! I didn't think nesting could start this early but it sure seems like it! 

I'm not really complaining about nesting because it's getting all these random projects or just things that need to get done, well, they are getting done!

I keep going through my make up. I mean, really going though my stash! I am a huge make up lover. I love trying new products and finding hidden gems. This all comes with a price because I have collected quite a bit of make up over the years. 

I've been going though everything, tossing whats gone bad and setting aside gently used items to pass onto friends and family. I have downsides my collection about a third of what it used to be. I'm finding that I'm a lot more practical about what I like to use and what to keep. I'm not getting everything insight to just try it out. I've made progress.

I've also been talking our kitchen... it need it. We recently got a butcher block for this awkward will in our kitchen. I've rearranged a few cabinets from when we first moved in. And, I organized our pantry.

Thanks to Pinterest, I got the idea to use a shoe organizer for the small things in a pantry so they don't get lost in the dark abyss. We have a pretty deep pantry, but the actual shelves are not deep at all. I'm still on the hunt for some good ideas to use all our available space.

I have also:
  • Hung more pictures on our walls! It's been making this place feel more like a home!
  • I organized our laundry area! There are still plenty more things I want to do in that space, but I've gotten a good head start!
  • And of course the nursery!
There will be more to come, I can promise that. I have this list of honey-do's to make this house more us and more functional. 

Until next time,


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