Saturday, August 13, 2016

32 Week Update

Here we are, and only 8 weeks left!

I just had my 32 week doctors appointment, since I'm on the every two weeks schedule now, and everything went perfect. I only gained a pound, so I'm up 15 pounds totally. And Jack's heartbeat is strong and he even kicked the doctor!

My doctor is having us get another ultrasound to measure his size since my belly is measuring a little small. She just wants to make sure that he's not too small. David and I have been expecting to have a "small" baby since we were both on the small size. My Grandma Jeannine, my paternal grandmother, had all small babies, so I'm not too worried. 

I'm excited to see Jack again, we haven't seen him in 12 weeks! Our ultrasound will be on our 33rd week, we technically it will be 33 weeks since we've seen him. He's grown a ton and we are hoping to get a good ultrasounds photo of him. All the ones we have are good, but he doesn't cooperate during them at all!

Otherwise, this past week hasn't been bad. His movement's are picking up like crazy! He's super active! The doctor says there's no such thing as too much movement, but he really loves to move! He wakes me up in the middle of the night, from naps, and I didn't even get to sleep in on Saturday thanks to his movements. 

With all his movement has been rib pain! When I'm working or trying to relax, I seem to notice his movements digging into my ribs the most! I'm guessing its going to continue till he's here.

My headaches are slowly coming back. I drink tons of water during the day, so I'm guessing it's all hormones again. When I get a headache I try to stop and lay down, which I usually forget to do when I'm going all day.

My belly has been getting bigger, there's no way of denying that. I've finally hit the stage where I can use it as a little table top!

Until next time,

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