Friday, August 5, 2016

30 & 31 Weeks Pregnancy Update

Well, if I thought I was late for my 29 week update, I guess I was nuts. I'm pretty late this time.

Truth is, I'm tried all the time and always exhausted. My energy levels dwindle down pretty damn fast and naps are becoming my best friend.

So here's what you missed!

At 30 weeks I had a doctors appointment for a general check up. We went over my number from my glucose test and I pasted it with flying colors! Everything was normal as normal could be.

Jack, or I guess my belly, is continuing to measure right at 30 weeks. His heartbeat is strong and he even kicked back at the doctor. She said he sounds and feels healthy and right on track.

My doctor has suggested I start physical therapy to help relieve some of the pain I am in and to help with my bad hip as I get closer to deliver. I have been waking up in the morning with my lower back and feet killing me, almost tingling like they fell asleep. She is concerned that a nerve might be getting pinched.

We also talked about delivery options since I've always been told from other doctors that I would need a c-section. We decided to wait till my 36 week pelvic exam to determine what to do. We will either schedule a c-section around my due date or wait till I hopefully go into labor, try pushing and possibly still need a c-section. I don't mind if I have a c-section or can give birth vaginally, I just care that whatever method brings a healthy baby into my arms.

One thing I did also find out is that being induced can be genetic. My Mom was induced with myself and my two siblings. My maternal Grandma had to be induced with 3 of her 5 children. With that, my doctor is guessing I might need to be induced as well, if I don't have a scheduled c-section.

As far weight gain, I have only gained a total of 14 pounds so far. I'm not doing anything particular to not gain much weight, I eat the same I did before I got pregnant and walk every day.

As far Jack's movement, he loves digging his feet into my ribs! It really hurts but it leaves me wondering if he will be long when he's born. I also felt hiccups for the first time, too!

I'm still tried and having trouble sleeping. I either can't fall asleep or wake up multiple times through the night. I can't wait for a solid night of sleep, whenever that may come.

At night before bed I've been taking Tylenol with Codine to help with the pain I have from my hip and lower back. My hip issue mixed with the the pain from pregnancy is slowly getting to me, even with my high pain tolerance.

It's crazy to think that I have about 9 weeks left till my little man will be here. That's just over 60 days!

Until next time,

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