Tuesday, July 26, 2016

29 Week Update (I know it's late...)

I'm writing this really late... later than any other week update. I'll be 30 weeks in 30 minutes...

So this past week I have actually been able to sleep!! Thank goodness! It has been a struggle sleeping since I have found that every so often I wake up on my back. Don't worry, I use a million pillows to prop myself up, but it's something that has been happening to me. 

One annoying thing, when I wake up in the morning and hop out of bed my feet are instantly killing me! It's like I've been on my feet for days straight in bad shoes. Eventually it does get better as I move, so I just might be stiff but still annoying. 

Speaking of feet, I have been starting to swell more. I can tell the days that I'm busy and don't have time to sit for a bit that I swell more. So I've been trying to take it easy and rest more through the day. 

We live in Southern California and the summer heat mixed with my ever-changing hormones has been getting the best of me. I feel like I'm always hot and sweaty! I have never experienced this kind of heat and I usually love the summer. Now, I'm trying to find anything that I can be comfortable in and be in as much AC as possible!

As for my weight, I have gained a total of 14 pounds so far. My doctor says I'm on track for my weight and not to worry!

I did pass my glucose test! And trust me, I celebrated with chocolate cake!

Until next time,

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