Sunday, July 3, 2016

Picking Jack's Name & 26 Week Update

It honestly didn't take long to pick a name for our little boy. In fact, we had his name picked out for over a year before we even decided to have kids. One night we joking talked about kids names and came the the conclusion on ones we liked. We had a girl and boy name ready for whenever we decided we were ready.

Well, after being told that we might have issues getting pregnant we finally decided to begin trying since it could be a long road ahead. Only a few months later we found out we were pregnant! 

Fast forward a few more months and we found out we were having a boy! I knew, it was like magic, that I knew we were having a boy! From then we started calling him by his name.

We continued the format of our names: name + family name + last name. He'll be: Jack Willis.

We choose Jack because its a classic name but not overly used. It's a simple name and you can find it on souvenirs. It's also the name some of our favorite movie characters. And its easy to yell durning those fun mischievous kid days.

Willis is my Great Grandpa's first name. He was someone who was incredibly special to me and passed away when I was least expecting it. I wish he could have seen me have Jack and any of our future children, but I'm lucky to get to honor him this way. 

This past week my sleep hasn't gotten any better. I'm up late and try to get all the rest I can. It's hard to sleep on either side and I always wake out to be on my back. I have a feeling I will need to try and sleep in my "recliner" position again.

I'm back to no being interested in food. Nothing sounds good and I never know what to eat. I still eat, don't worry. I just make whatever sounds good for David and eat that. 

Jack is growing like crazy and I can feel my skin starting to stretch more and more. He also kicks like crazy, so much that I can see my stomach move!

I have only gained 10 pounds total so far and the doctor says I'm right where I need to be. I have about 10-15 more pounds to gain by the end. 

Until next time,

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