Friday, July 15, 2016

Third Trimester! 28 Week Update

We have made it to the third trimester! We are 2/3 of the way done with this pregnancy! We have about 12 weeks until Jack will be here. We are prepared if he comes early and hoping he won't be too overdue. We are too excited to meet him!

Sleep has continued to be a shaky thing. Some nights I don't sleep at all and others I sleep like a baby. Lots of friends keep telling me to get used to it or that it doesn't get better. I'm just trying to rest while I can! I will nap any chance I can now!

Heartburn has slowly been getting worse. I have found that the Healthy Mama Tame the Flame works the best for me. It's like tums but minty and no after taste.

I had my Glucose test this week. It wasn't too bad, I think it was hyped up more. I made sure to make the earliest appointment I could so not too many people had to deal with me without coffee. I was given the orange flavor which tastes like warm, flat orange soda. The worst part wasn't the blood drawing or waiting, it was the sugar crash I got about 2.5 hours after drinking the nasty drink. I made sure to bring a big bottle of water and some snacks for immediately after my second blood draw. After I got home I did a few things then instantly started feeling like crap. Before I knew it I took a nap for over an hour!

Lately I have been really noticing my belly stretching. If I turn to one side too quickly I get sharp pains around my middle. I'm guessing my round ligament pain is getting worse as he keeps growing. I'm hoping that it doesn't get too bad right at the end.

I have also been having swollen feet quite a bit. I was expecting this to get worse, but it still sucks. No one wants to feel like they have "cankles" all the time. I'm just hoping it doesn't get worse. It surprisingly hurts quite a bit when they are really swollen.

We have been lots of the final baby shopping done. I know I'm doing things early, but I wanted to be able to get everything we need while I'm still working. That way we aren't worrying about any extra expenses. I'm figuring I will work till the end of August when I'm 36 weeks, but that is creeping up so fast.

We did get our stroller and carseat! I will be be doing a post all about them!

Until next time,

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