Sunday, August 21, 2016

33 Weeks Pregnant Update

We have made it to 33 weeks! We have less than 50 days till our due date! And I'm getting to the point where I am really counting down. I can't imagine being pregnant long after my due date, but I do know that it's a possibility. 

One thing I don't have to worry about is movement. Jack kicks my side like he's in a Jackie Chan movie. He kicks my ribs so hard that it makes it difficult doing normal things, like cleaning, getting comfortable and even driving. He kicks way more then 10 times when counting and I swear he moves a ton while sleeping.

My sleep still sucks. I've been about to fall asleep around the time of my husband, usually a little later after I've finally gotten comfortable. I'm still up a few times in the middle of the night, more often then not to use the bathroom but also from little man having a middle of the night dance party. A few times this week I've woken up before my daily alarm (7am) and haven't been able to nap. 

Oh yeah, I haven't really been able to nap. Not because I'm not tired, I totally am, but because I've been too busy or feel like I should get so much more done. Truth, I don't usually get all I should done, but I kinda try these days.

I've had more headaches lately. I'm assuming it's all hormones, but they really suck. I'm downing water like crazy to make sure I'm not dehydrated and even watching what I eat a little more. I've been trying to cut out all the extra sugar, but sometimes you just need ice cream.

Slowly, clothes aren't fitting. And it's not just my regular clothes I've been making work, it's my maternity clothes too! But I'm getting so close to the end that I don't really want to spend money on more clothes, so I've just been wearing what fits, over and over. I do need to get some new pajama pants, because I'm wearing ones I've had for years and they are wearing out anyway.

I have been struggling to get in and out of my Jeep a bit. I have running boards on my Cherokee, but I still have issues with my small lift. Little legs, big belly, and lifted Jeeps are starting not to mix. I've also had to move my seat back a "click" to give my self a little more room. If I don't slide out from the side, I hit the steering wheel. It's kind of funny, but kind of sad. 

Friends and family are saying I'm starting to really "pop out". And I'm feeling the same way too. I feel huge and I know I'm only going to get bigger these last weeks. 

 We had an ultrasound to measure Jack's size since our doctor said he's measuring a little small. We weren't too nervous thinking he could be on the small size, David and I were both small and small babies runs on my Dad's side of the family.

The tech we had was super nice and talked us through the whole ultrasound. She triple checked Jack is for sure a boy, there's no missing it now. His organs all look good and his umbilical cord isn't pinched.

Based on his femur, he weighs about 4 lbs 14 oz and is estimated to be around 22 inches long.

We have a doctors appointment this week and are waiting to see what the doctor officially says, but we aren't worried about his size.

I also had to say goodbye to one of the fellow Navy wife friends I have made. We were able to celebrate her little girl who is due in November! I will miss them bunches!

Until next time,

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