Saturday, September 17, 2016

37 Week Update

Another week down and three more to go till our due date!

I'm really starting to feel big, and well, I'm looking big too! My belly is still measuring a little small, but Jack's still growing as he should and still kicking like crazy!

At my weekly doctors appointment all went as good as it can! I didn't gain any weight this past week and I credit that to not having much of an appetite lately. My Strep B test came back negative, so no need to worry about antibiotics when I go into labor.

As far dilation, still nothing! It feel like my body is just going to hold him in forever... Maybe next week a little something will be happening. I also haven't had many contractions, just a few here and there. They go right away when I readjust, so I'm not sure if they are Braxton-Hicks or false labor ones.

Sleep is getting hard. I just can't stay comfortable enough to get more than a couple of hours of sleep at a time. I have to then get up an drink some water, move around, and usually go to the bathroom. I usually give up trying to sleep around 6ish in the morning. I just try to rest when I can now.

I haven't had too much of an appetite lately. Food is just not sounding that good, but I have had heartburn like crazy too. I feel like I'm back in the first trimester a little bit! I do force myself to eat a little something to prevent from getting nauseous or Jack kicking like crazy into my ribs.

With no sleep I have been craving more coffee! I love coffee! I love the smell and the taste! For some reason McDonald's caramel ice coffee is my favorite treat! I don't get them often, but they are so good!

I don't have many bare belly shots from my pregnancy and wanted to have at least one! I should take one every week from here on out since I won't be this big again! Or until we have another kid!

Until next time,

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