Tuesday, September 6, 2016

34 & 35 Weeks Update!

I'm a little late... I have had no energy lately, but somehow I've going like crazy. 

During 34 weeks I had an appointment with my OB and we got the "all ok" from our ultrasound at 33 weeks! Looks like little man is tucked in my belly really well, or as the doctor said I have wide hips and good abs. I took that as a compliment! 

My stomach was still measuring small but Jack is still estimated to be around 7 pounds and around 22 inches long. So there is no worry on his size like we thought!

Otherwise, I have slept pretty good and my appetite is somewhat normal. I'm still waiting for the cravings to kick in...

This week I felt like my belly really popped out. I'm starting to have issues bending over and getting into bed, but it won't last forever. 

See, belly is out there!

I couldn't help snapping this picture with Zero begging. He was too cute resting his head on my belly.

During week 35, I was running around like crazy because my Grandma had a partial knee replacement and someone had to help take care of her. Even going non-stop for a week, I'm surprised that I was able to keep going without being too exhausted.

I was surprised that my belly popped out even more! He must really be hitting a growth spurt or something!

Speaking about growing, Jack is pushing up into my ribs like no other! He has been making it hard to breathe, hard to eat, and giving me horrible heartburn. I'm just waiting for him to drop a bit, but not ready to put more pressure on my bladder.

We also installed the carseat into my Jeep this weekend! It's so weird having it in and ready to go. Next step is having it inspected for extra piece of mind. I need to finish packing our hospital bag, but I'm waiting for our next OB appointment before doing so!

Until next time,

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