Monday, June 27, 2016

What comes in the Target Registry gift bag?

I'm someone who doesn't like surprises and wants to know everything! I'm also super curious, so I wanted to know what you got in a baby registry gift bag.

We registered at Babies R Us and Target. Babies R Us' gift bag was a let down since so many friends talked it up! We got a sample of Pamper's swaddlers (1 newborn diaper and 6 wipes), a sample of Mustela wash, and a brochure of what to register for.

Well, Target was super impressive compared to that!

Here's all we got:

We got the same pampers diaper pack from Babies R Us. But the Honest Co pack! I was not expecting that! So, you get: 1 Pampers newborn diaper, 2 size 1 Honest Co diapers, 6 Pampers wipes and 10 Honest Co wipes! Not a bad sample!

Target also provided a Munchkin Latch bottle which I've heard from a few people that they really like. We are planning to breastfeed, but do plan to pump too. Who knows what bottle our little one will prefer, so it's nice getting a "sample" one. Same goes for the MAM pacifier. There are so many on the market and it's so helpful to get one that might work for your baby. If it doesn't no big deal!

Target also provided lots of samples of things you might use for baby and most of them came with coupons too. In our bag we got: Johnson & Johnson bath wash, a Boogie Wipe sample, an Aquaphor healing ointment sample, two Lansinoh breast pads and two milk storage bags.

And of course more coupons! We got a coupon for the Kinsa thermometer, I couldn't have been happier since it was on my list to get anyway. There are some Target only coupons for maternity clothes, nursing bras, and a free Starbucks inside a Target!

To be honest, I was super impressed with that I got in a Target gift bag! I was just expecting something like Babies R Us, but once again I fell more in love with Target!

Until next time,

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Honest Company Haul

My Aunt generously gave me a gift certificate to the Honest Company at my baby shower! To say I was excited is an understatement! I have been dying to try out some products and see how they work for our family.

Most of the products are for Jack, so they won't be used for a few more months. But I did get a few for me and lots of things to try!

So here's my haul! First, the boxes from the Honest Co. are too stinking cute! I'll also link everything I can!

First, I got the Baby Gift Set box since so much came in it! It comes with 7 size 1 diapers and 10 wipes, perfect to see how they work! It also comes with travel size shampoo and body wash, face and body lotion, and organic healing balm.

Next box set, the Discovery Set. This set is all travel size and perfect to get a little more taste of the company. It comes with:
  • laundry detergent
  • shampoo and body wash
  • organic healing balm
  • face and body lotion
  • hand soap
I figured this was perfect for the house. I'm a little scared to try the laundry soap since David and I are both sensitive to most brands. There are a few duplicates from the Baby Gift set, but it's things we will need and the perfect size for the diaper bag!

Next up, Calming Lotion, well because you can never have enough lotion. It claims to be ultra-calming and hypoalergnic, so I'm thinking this could be a perfect after bath lotion. I picked up two of the travel spray hand sanitizers for the diaper bag. As well as a large hand sanitizer for the changing table. It's talked about so highly, so I figured it would be perfect to try. I can't stand sticky feeling hand sanitizer and I haven't had any sticky feeling after using it!

I grabbed the 3 in 1 face wipes for myself. I don't honestly use face wipes that often, but they seem so perfect for the hospital and after delivery. I know the first week or so I might not have a routine down, so these will be handy. I also grabbed the soothing bottom wash since we do plan to use both diapers after Jack's umbilical cord falls off. 

I know I will need this organic nipple balm. So many people suggest having some sort of cream, and though lanolin is safe for babies, this is just more appealing to me. I also got the organic breath easy rub. I have bad sinus issues, so I want to be prepared incase Jack has bad sinuses too. If he doesn't, this is something I use often!

Lastly, I got this super cute bandana bib! It's magnetic, so I'm just hoping he doesn't learn to pull it off too fast! I couldn't pass up the skull and cross bone print! 

So there's everything I got! It was a lot, I know, but stuff we need!

Until next time,

Friday, June 24, 2016

25 Week Update

This week has been a whole lot of not sleeping. I'm not sure if will get better. I've been trying everything possible to sleep. It seems like my mind just won't turn off even though my body is tired.

Since the weather is slowly getting more "summer like" I have noticed the beginning of feet swelling. More like my ankles get huge and hurt. I try to sit and elevate them but that doesn't always seem to help.

My hot flashes have gone from at night only to daytime too. I usually love hot weather, I would rather be warm then cold. Now I'm starting to hate it! I live in minimal, comfy clothing to stay comfortable. The blower motor (what blows the AC) went out in my Jeep, so my amazing husband is replacing that for me this weekend!

My skin seems to be more dry and itchy then before. I just keep slathering on lotion and drinking lots of water. I know hormones aren't helping, but it's sure annoying!

We spent Father's Day at a car show and I had to get a picture with my Baby Daddy. You can even see my belly starting to poke out!

Zero, our husky mix, has always been all about David. He really doesn't care for me unless David is gone and he wants something. Now, he's starting to get super excited when I come home and follow me around the house more. I've read that dogs can sense you body changing and the baby, so I'm starting to think thats whats going on. 

He's even cuddled with my belly and been super confused when he gets kicked. He keeps coming back for more kicks in the face, so I just hope he falls in love with Jack like we are.

Until next time,

Monday, June 20, 2016

Our Baby Shower

I choose to have my baby shower earlier than the norm. It seems most have their show around 32 weeks pregnant and I'm almost 25 weeks. 

I choose to have my shower early mainly because I have been told to prepare for bed rest and how for the best. This is all because of my hip, yes the one I always reference. I have been told since I was about 19 years old that I would be on bedrest quite a bit through pregnancy and have a c-section. So, I wanted to have my shower to be able to enjoy it! I am slowly having issues with my hip, but nothing to stop me from having fun any time soon!

Second reason I choose to have my shower early, to have time to finish preparing for little man's arrival and not feel stressed with a time crunch. Remember, I like to be prepared!

So, now that we have that out of the way, here's how I did my shower!

I did plan most of this my self but had lots of help from my best friend, Katey! 

I choose to keep it very simple. I wanted this so there wasn't a rush, it was fun and relaxing, people got to visit, and I didn't stress over things.

We had the shower at my parents house since they have lots of room. It ended up being almost 90*F! A lot warmer than planned but at least it was nice!

I did ask for books over cards in the invitation. I loved the idea that our family and close friends could pick their favorite book and we could read it Jack (name post coming soon!) as he grew up. 

In keeping things simple, I kept the "games" simple too! We had more stations of things to do instead of lots of games:
  • Sign the onesie - just like a guestbook
  • Guess the due date
  • How many M&M's in the bottle?
  • Decorate the bibs
  • Don't say baby!
  • Advice cards
  • Prediction of size cards
  • Guess the side of mom's belly

For food, I once again kept things simple. I forgot to get a picture of the table covered in food, so just imagine! We did water and lemonade for drinks. I had chips, pretzels, and some different dips out first. We then got three trays of sandwiches from our local grocery store to save us time and the mess of making them. And after, I had cupcakes from my favorite bakery and a variety of different cookies.

At the very end of the day, I finally remembered to snap a few more pictures! I was able to get a good photo of David and I from our big day. He's not a picture fan, so I take what I can get!

And of course a belly shot! I found my dress at Target on sale! I was planning to get this dress anyway, it's cotton, comfy, and can be used after being pregnant. And my Birkenstocks, not that glamours but what are comfortable to wear now.

And I couldn't forget a picture with Katey! I couldn't have done this without her!

The only thing I would have done differently: taken more photos! I forgot to get one with my parents and even my roommates from college! But I'm thankful for what we do have!

I haven't shared what I got as far as presents so I don't brag. I will be showing more photos of the nursery here soon and show off a bit of what we got!

Until next time,

Thursday, June 16, 2016

24 Week Update!

I think it's finally happened. My belly is finally looking like it has popped out! I still carry him low, or at least it seems low to me, he's finally being noticeable!

Now that we are 24 weeks, we have about 16 weeks or 112 days till our son makes his way into the world.

My biggest issue continues to be the lack of sleep I get. I had perfected my schedule to get around 9 hours of sleep a night before getting pregnant. I'm lucky to get 7 hours now. And let me tell you, I'm feeling it! After about a week or more of no sleep, I can finally pass out hard from exhaustion. I try everything to have a good bedtime routine, but between nighttime heart burn and baby dance classes, I just can't fall asleep until midnight to 1am-ish. I'm up around 7am to keep with my daily schedule. There are days I could sleep in but when I do, I feel like I've wasted so much time.

When I do get to sleep, I'm so hot! Like sweating and gross. I know it's the hormone changes, but I've never had this issue in my life. I love, love the feeling of heavy blankets. But between the heat I put off, the obstacle of pillows, and the amount I move around, the favorite blankets don't cut it any more. We currently use a top sheet and (one of my all time favorite) thin handmade blanket.

My second sleep issue: if I nap, I have a super hard time falling asleep at night. I've never been a napper. I've always been better at pushing through my day and passing out early. When I nap, I wake up groggy and take forever to fully wake up. This happens to me if I take a cat-nap or one of those coma-naps. And I keep napping more! It's such a vicious circle!

Now, my boobs. I still don't know how so many friends have neglected to pass the information about how much your chest can change during pregnancy. Mine are currently itchy and hurt all the time. I have completely grown out of pre-baby bras. I have bought some nursing bras (to save money since I plan on using them post-birth) and some sleep type bras. I have fallen in love with how comfortable the nursing bras are! I almost never want to go back to an underwire bra! Granted, they aren't that pretty or sexy but they are practical and still offer support. I have searched around for affordable bras to save some money. So far Burlington Coat Factory has been the best for selection and price!

What's comfy and whats not? The dress I'm wearing in the photos from the week is from Target's Maternity section. I have it in three different prints and would live in them all the time if I could. I have found that my jean material pants and capris are getting more and more uncomfortable as time goes on. I have invested in some thin capri leggings (that might not be actual pants but I've using them as some) and they are amazing. I do notice as time goes on, I get more uncomfortable in my skin so whatever I can get to make these next 16 weeks go by faster, well I buy it!

I have wide hips (thanks to my Mom) but I can tell they are widening more! I started my pregnancy journey wearing small/medium underwear and I'm now wearing large/extra large ones. I haven't gained much weight yet, just the normal pregnancy weight. I can still pull my pre-pregnancy jean up my thighs but they don't fit around my hips. I had read that ligaments loosen and things move around to carry the baby and to prepare for labor, but I didn't realize it would be such a change so fast!

Speaking of weight gain, I'm now at 160. I started at 152 at 9 weeks and was 146 at 13 weeks. I'm not sure if I've gained 8 or 14 pounds, but not much yet. My doctor was a little worried at first with my weight loss from nausea, but says I'm doing good now so not to worry. She would like me to gain around 25 pounds. I found this helpful to explain pregnancy weight gain.

I have fallen in love with baby moccasins. I have found so many small business that make their own little shoes and have to stop myself from buying all the pairs! I'm waiting to see how big little man's feet are when he's born before buying any. I know they aren't practical as a tiny baby, but during the winter I would like something for his feet besides just socks. I like that moccasins are soft and have give unlike so many baby shoes that have hard soles.

Ok, diaper bags... How many are acceptable? My in-laws got us the Jeep backpack diaper bag when we first told them we were pregnant. Without much research it seemed practical. Now that I've been researching baby things in general, I haven't figured out if we have the best diaper bag for us. David is fine with whatever, but likes the idea of a backpack one to be hands free. But my issue is that I have found this other diaper bag at Burlington Coat Factory that is a cross body style. My girl friends have suggested I get it, so that if I want I can swap out between the two. I'm really debating about getting it, but we shall see how much self control I have.

We don't have cable so my main "tv" type of entertainment is YouTube. For the longest time I loved watching beauty videos and planner videos, I've not switched to "mommy" videos. I've been watching tons of "what to take to hospital" and "whats in your diaper bag" videos. I have also watched all of Aaryn William's videos leading up to her delivery. I love being able to watch what other pregnant ladies are going through or what they suggest through their pregnancy.

Until next time,

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


All recently that I can think of lately is planning everything for our little one.

I am such a "planner". I like to have everything organized and and figured out. I know things never go according to plan, but if I make a plan and it all goes to hell, it doesn't bother me. I would rather have a plan in my head so then I can start preparing for plan b when needed...

I'm that kind of person.

Baby Shower Planning
I have been planning my baby shower with my best friend and it's coming up this weekend. I decided to have my shower early for a few reasons:
- Having an early shower allows me to plan what I still need to get after the shower. I'm not expecting friends and family to get my everything off my baby registry. I put more than needed on my registry so I could have plenty of time to research and figure out what I need.
- I also have a bad hip. This has been something of concern for the doctor in general but also something we have to take day by day since pregnancy is unique to each person. Having an early shower allows me to enjoy time with friends and family without the worry of bed rest.
- I honestly didn't want to wait. Once again, as a planner, I wanted to know what all we would get! What mom to be isn't excited!

Cloth Diaper Planning
I've also been researching like crazy cloth diapers. I'm learning and pretty dang dead set to cloth diaper our son and future children as well. My main reason: the amount of money you can save!! Disposable diapers are convenient and easy, but can cost around $2000 from birth to potty training. I'm just not about that! I would rather spend about $500 to cloth diaper my kids to potty training and
reuse them for future kids. I have the ability to wash them at home and my main baby helpers (my husband and mom) are on board!

Moccasin Planning
Also, baby moccasins... I die! I'm so so so in love with them! I'm just trying how to justify needing so many pairs!

Well, until next time,

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

23 Week Update!

Here we are, 23 weeks!! We have about 17 weeks or 119 days to go till we meet our little guy!

This past week my symptoms are getting real. I have stretch marks that are visible already. I knew I would get some since I did growing up, but these are noticeable. My chest has gone up two sizes already, so I have some there. I have noticed a few on my inner thighs and outer hips too. I just keep putting Bio-Oil and Cetephil Body Cream all over my body. What happens will happen, I just didn't think I would so soon.

My congestion has decreased some this week. I'm not dying from not being able to breathe. Being able to breath through your nose is an amazing thing!

I have been so hot when sleeping lately! I have taken our comforter off the bed and just have a light blanket. Besides our ceiling fan and the window open, I've added another fan. I have always been a cold sleeper, but I guess not now!

My feet are starting to swell. My left hip has issues can cause my whole leg to swell but now its getting worse. And my right leg is starting to join the party.

My arches fell around week 16 and I got a pair of Birkenstocks to help. They have been amazing but I'm noticing that my sneakers aren't fitting anymore now. I wore basic Keds all the time, but now they are too tight in width and my Nike's are starting to get too tight after wearing them for a few hours. I'm lucky we are in southern California so I can wear sandals all the time, but sometimes you need closed-toe shoes, so I'm gonna need to go shopping...

I have slowly been gaining weight as I should! I began at 152 lbs and now at 159 lbs. All the baby books I've read says I should gain about a pound a week so we are on the right track!

This past week a stranger asked if I was pregnant! My first time! I said yes, and of course received some unsolicited advice, but it was a nice feeling! People keep saying he's starting to pop out!

Until next time,

Planning this Week

If you know me, I am a planner.

I like to plan my days and weeks out. If I don't write things down, I forget. I have discovered the world of making your plain planner a little decorative.

It's a big black hole of fun.

Here's what this week looks like for me!

Until next time,

Friday, June 3, 2016

22 Week Update

This week feels just like last week so far.

I have been super congested and not sleeping good. Meh... I don't think this is going to change anytime soon.

On a happy note, I have had a little extra energy! I felt so energized that I cleaned the whole house and it looked amazing for a good three hours! Once I let Zero (our pup) in and David got home from work, that was it - the house was a mess again. But a messy house is a house full of love!

I will by in my good friend from college's wedding this October. Yep same month I am estimated to give birth. Luckily, baby boy is due the 5th and the wedding is the 29th! But, shopping for a bridesmaid dress six months pregnant was such a "Debbie Downer" moment. I don't have the body shape for super cute dresses, I'm A-line all the way (thanks Mom for big hips). And needing to factor in a post-pregnancy body, I was left with only a few options. I settled on one, not exactly my favorite but flatters my body. Big truth, only my husband will say I look amazing, it's her wedding day and all eyes will be on her like they should!

As I'm writing this, little man is bouncing off the walls. He's become a big mover. I have a feeling I will be going a lot with this one!

Until next time,