Friday, June 24, 2016

25 Week Update

This week has been a whole lot of not sleeping. I'm not sure if will get better. I've been trying everything possible to sleep. It seems like my mind just won't turn off even though my body is tired.

Since the weather is slowly getting more "summer like" I have noticed the beginning of feet swelling. More like my ankles get huge and hurt. I try to sit and elevate them but that doesn't always seem to help.

My hot flashes have gone from at night only to daytime too. I usually love hot weather, I would rather be warm then cold. Now I'm starting to hate it! I live in minimal, comfy clothing to stay comfortable. The blower motor (what blows the AC) went out in my Jeep, so my amazing husband is replacing that for me this weekend!

My skin seems to be more dry and itchy then before. I just keep slathering on lotion and drinking lots of water. I know hormones aren't helping, but it's sure annoying!

We spent Father's Day at a car show and I had to get a picture with my Baby Daddy. You can even see my belly starting to poke out!

Zero, our husky mix, has always been all about David. He really doesn't care for me unless David is gone and he wants something. Now, he's starting to get super excited when I come home and follow me around the house more. I've read that dogs can sense you body changing and the baby, so I'm starting to think thats whats going on. 

He's even cuddled with my belly and been super confused when he gets kicked. He keeps coming back for more kicks in the face, so I just hope he falls in love with Jack like we are.

Until next time,

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