Monday, June 20, 2016

Our Baby Shower

I choose to have my baby shower earlier than the norm. It seems most have their show around 32 weeks pregnant and I'm almost 25 weeks. 

I choose to have my shower early mainly because I have been told to prepare for bed rest and how for the best. This is all because of my hip, yes the one I always reference. I have been told since I was about 19 years old that I would be on bedrest quite a bit through pregnancy and have a c-section. So, I wanted to have my shower to be able to enjoy it! I am slowly having issues with my hip, but nothing to stop me from having fun any time soon!

Second reason I choose to have my shower early, to have time to finish preparing for little man's arrival and not feel stressed with a time crunch. Remember, I like to be prepared!

So, now that we have that out of the way, here's how I did my shower!

I did plan most of this my self but had lots of help from my best friend, Katey! 

I choose to keep it very simple. I wanted this so there wasn't a rush, it was fun and relaxing, people got to visit, and I didn't stress over things.

We had the shower at my parents house since they have lots of room. It ended up being almost 90*F! A lot warmer than planned but at least it was nice!

I did ask for books over cards in the invitation. I loved the idea that our family and close friends could pick their favorite book and we could read it Jack (name post coming soon!) as he grew up. 

In keeping things simple, I kept the "games" simple too! We had more stations of things to do instead of lots of games:
  • Sign the onesie - just like a guestbook
  • Guess the due date
  • How many M&M's in the bottle?
  • Decorate the bibs
  • Don't say baby!
  • Advice cards
  • Prediction of size cards
  • Guess the side of mom's belly

For food, I once again kept things simple. I forgot to get a picture of the table covered in food, so just imagine! We did water and lemonade for drinks. I had chips, pretzels, and some different dips out first. We then got three trays of sandwiches from our local grocery store to save us time and the mess of making them. And after, I had cupcakes from my favorite bakery and a variety of different cookies.

At the very end of the day, I finally remembered to snap a few more pictures! I was able to get a good photo of David and I from our big day. He's not a picture fan, so I take what I can get!

And of course a belly shot! I found my dress at Target on sale! I was planning to get this dress anyway, it's cotton, comfy, and can be used after being pregnant. And my Birkenstocks, not that glamours but what are comfortable to wear now.

And I couldn't forget a picture with Katey! I couldn't have done this without her!

The only thing I would have done differently: taken more photos! I forgot to get one with my parents and even my roommates from college! But I'm thankful for what we do have!

I haven't shared what I got as far as presents so I don't brag. I will be showing more photos of the nursery here soon and show off a bit of what we got!

Until next time,

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