Tuesday, June 14, 2016


All recently that I can think of lately is planning everything for our little one.

I am such a "planner". I like to have everything organized and and figured out. I know things never go according to plan, but if I make a plan and it all goes to hell, it doesn't bother me. I would rather have a plan in my head so then I can start preparing for plan b when needed...

I'm that kind of person.

Baby Shower Planning
I have been planning my baby shower with my best friend and it's coming up this weekend. I decided to have my shower early for a few reasons:
- Having an early shower allows me to plan what I still need to get after the shower. I'm not expecting friends and family to get my everything off my baby registry. I put more than needed on my registry so I could have plenty of time to research and figure out what I need.
- I also have a bad hip. This has been something of concern for the doctor in general but also something we have to take day by day since pregnancy is unique to each person. Having an early shower allows me to enjoy time with friends and family without the worry of bed rest.
- I honestly didn't want to wait. Once again, as a planner, I wanted to know what all we would get! What mom to be isn't excited!

Cloth Diaper Planning
I've also been researching like crazy cloth diapers. I'm learning and pretty dang dead set to cloth diaper our son and future children as well. My main reason: the amount of money you can save!! Disposable diapers are convenient and easy, but can cost around $2000 from birth to potty training. I'm just not about that! I would rather spend about $500 to cloth diaper my kids to potty training and
reuse them for future kids. I have the ability to wash them at home and my main baby helpers (my husband and mom) are on board!

Moccasin Planning
Also, baby moccasins... I die! I'm so so so in love with them! I'm just trying how to justify needing so many pairs!

Well, until next time,

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